Who are the Beccles Twinning Association?

We are a group of volunteers working on behalf of Beccles Town Council who promote exchanges of all kinds between Beccles and its twin town of Petit-Couronne in Normandy France.
We are not a membership organisation, activities are open to all who live, work or are otherwise associated with Beccles.

Why not contact us and join in some of our events which run throughout the year.

For further information or to join our 'Mailing List' for Friends of Twinning in Beccles, which is currently the most reliable way of getting the latest information (monthly by email), and always includes a full report of our latest activities, you can also contact us at : 

Check out our facebook page: Beccles Twinning Association FaceBook Page

The next visit from Petit-Couronne will be from 22nd-25th August

Olympic Project for 2024

An Olympic Challenge, for each and everyone

Following their magnificent support of the Jubilee bunting project in 2022, our friends in Petit-Couronne are asking us to help them make knitted or crochet squares or pom poms from oddments or recycled wool.

They aim, in partnership with others to collect a million squares throughout 2023 and early 2024, to be used as pixels, that will create a truly unique art installation to celebrate the Paris Olympics in Summer 2024.

The squares can be of any one colour, each with a 20 cm tail of wool left for 'sewing up', they can be made using any knitting or crochet stitch (except 'rib' or 'stocking' stitch which tend to curl up) but must measure exactly 5x5 or 10x10 cm

The pom poms can be multicoloured and of any size PLEASE DELIVER TO BECCLES LIBRARY at anytime during their opening hours

Beccles Library is now officially the first 'Tricolab' collection point for squares and pompoms in the UK. https://tricoteunsourire.com/lieu-de-collecte-tricote-un-sourire/ 

With Beccles Library now the official UK collection point for squares and pompoms, they are holding knit and natter sessions on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 2.00 -3.30pm in their temporary location, the former HSBC building in New  Market until 4th December and back in their refurbished premises from the 11th Decmber

Read the "Beccles Library Charter" - Charte des Tricolab - in French

Looking forward to the Olympics next year, It was announced recently that the Olympic flame will be carried through Rouen and past the cathedral on the 5th July 2024. No doubt it will be passing the giant welcoming poster that will be created from all the Squares and Pom Poms which we are sending to Petit-Couronne.

Plenty more of these are needed to help them meet their target of  a million.so please keep on knitting and crocheting.

Completed squares and Pom Poms can now be delivered to the Beccles Town library as well as the Community Hub. 

We were pleased to have enlisted the pom pom making help of children from St Benet's and Albert Pye primary schools during their end of term activities, and were able to deliver a large bundle on our trip to Petit-Couronne in October.

Visit to Petit-Couronne 21-24 October 2023

Having just returned from another hugely successful trip, check out our facebook page for a few photos. A more detailed report will follow soon!

Photos of the Beccles Twinning Associations 2023 visit to Petit-Couronne.

2023 Visit to Petit-Couronne Photographs

Beccles Carnival August 2023
Beccles Carnival 2023

This years carnival was once more a raving success, with entrants from far and wide.

With huge thanks to Kev from the Men's Shed for building the magnificent chariot and fully functioning guillotine, and then helping to pull it all the way round Beccles, together with a few of our volunteers to let the town know who we are.

Have a look at some of the photos of the Beccles Twinning Association enjoying the atmosphere.

Beccles Carnival 2023

French Chat

You are all welcome to join us at the Beccles Lubrary every other Saturday morning from 10 to 11am.
Check the Events page for information about the next group date.

Virtual Art Exhibition 2020

  • You can still see all the paintings submitted from Beccles, Petit-Couronne and Ahlem on the Virtual Art Exhibition link, until they are replaced by the photo exhibition later this year
  • Click on each painting or object and view full screen for information for each and contact if you would like us to put you in touch with any of the artists.

Additional photos taken by our friends in Petit-Couronne

from time to time and can be seen on their website by clicking the link: Twinning of the town of Petit-Couronne (lesamisdujumelage.fr)